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Buku Ulumul Hadits Pdf Download [NEW]l

Buku Ulumul Hadits Pdf Download: A Valuable Resource for Hadith Students and Scholars

Hadith is one of the most important sources of Islamic law and guidance, second only to the Quran. Hadith refers to the sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as reported by his companions and followers. Hadith provides a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the Quranic teachings, as well as a model of exemplary conduct for Muslims to follow.

Buku Ulumul Hadits Pdf Downloadl

However, not all hadiths are authentic and reliable. Some hadiths are fabricated, weak, or contradictory. Therefore, it is essential for Muslims to study and understand the science of hadith (ulumul hadits), which is a branch of Islamic knowledge that deals with the principles and methods of evaluating and interpreting hadiths.

One of the best books that covers the various aspects and topics of ulumul hadits is Buku Ulumul Hadits by Abdul Majid Khon. This book is written in Indonesian language, but it is based on the classical and contemporary works of hadith scholars from various schools and regions. It is a comprehensive and systematic introduction to ulumul hadits, suitable for students and scholars alike.

In this article, we will provide an overview of Buku Ulumul Hadits, as well as some tips on how to download it in pdf format. We will also discuss some of the benefits and advantages of reading and studying this book.

Overview of Buku Ulumul Hadits

Buku Ulumul Hadits is divided into six chapters, each covering a different aspect of ulumul hadits. The chapters are as follows:

  • Sunnah, Khabar, Hadits, dan Hadits Qudsi: This chapter defines and explains the terms sunnah, khabar, hadits, and hadits qudsi, which are often used interchangeably but have different meanings and implications. It also discusses the types and classifications of sunnah and hadits, as well as the relationship between sunnah and bid'ah (innovation).

  • Ilmu Hadits: Sejarah, Pembagian dan Pokok Pembahasannya: This chapter traces the history and development of ulumul hadits from the time of the Prophet until the present day. It also outlines the main topics and issues that ulumul hadits deals with, such as the sources, transmission, collection, compilation, classification, verification, interpretation, and application of hadiths.

  • Kedudukan Al-Sunnah dalam Syari'at Islam: This chapter discusses the authority and status of sunnah in Islamic law and guidance. It provides various evidences from the Quran, sunnah, ijma' (consensus), and qiyas (analogy) to prove that sunnah is a binding source of legislation for Muslims. It also explains the functions and roles of sunnah in relation to the Quran.

  • Sejarah Hadits Pada Masa Pra-Kodifikasi dan Masa Kodifikasi: This chapter describes the stages and processes of hadith transmission and preservation from the time of the Prophet until the time of codification. It highlights the efforts and contributions of the companions, successors, collectors, compilers, critics, commentators, and other hadith scholars in safeguarding and spreading the prophetic traditions.

  • Ilmu-Ilmu yang Berkaitan dengan Sanad dan Matan: This chapter introduces the various sciences and disciplines that are related to the sanad (chain of narration) and matan (text) of hadiths. These include rijal al-hadits (biography of narrators), jarh wa ta'dil (criticism and appraisal of narrators), ilal al-hadits (defects of hadiths), gharib al-hadits (unusual terms of hadiths), nasikh wa mansukh (abrogation and abrogated hadiths), takhrij al-hadits (tracing and locating hadiths), tafsir al-hadits (exegesis of hadiths), fiqh al-hadits (jurisprudence of hadiths), and others.

Macam-Macam Hadis dari Berbagai Segi: This chapter presents various types and categories of hadiths from different perspectives. These include mar

How to Download Buku Ulumul Hadits Pdf

If you are interested in downloading Buku Ulumul Hadits in pdf format, you can find several sources online that offer the pdf file for free or for a small fee. However, you should be careful about the quality and authenticity of the pdf file, as some sources may contain errors or omissions. Here are some tips to help you find and use the best pdf file of Buku Ulumul Hadits:

  • Look for a reliable and reputable source that provides the pdf file of Buku Ulumul Hadits. You can check the reviews and ratings of the source, as well as the date and size of the pdf file. You can also compare different sources and see which one offers the most accurate and complete version of Buku Ulumul Hadits.

  • Download the pdf file of Buku Ulumul Hadits from the source that you have chosen. Make sure that you have a good internet connection and enough storage space on your device. You can also scan the pdf file for any viruses or malware before opening it.

  • Open the pdf file of Buku Ulumul Hadits using a pdf reader application on your device. You can use any pdf reader that supports Indonesian fonts and scripts, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader, or Google PDF Viewer. You can also adjust the zoom level, brightness, and orientation of the pdf file according to your preference.

  • Read and study the pdf file of Buku Ulumul Hadits at your own pace and convenience. You can follow along with the Indonesian text, or use a translation or transliteration of Buku Ulumul Hadits in your preferred language. You can also listen to an audio or video recording of Buku Ulumul Hadits while reading the pdf file, to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the book.

  • Share and print the pdf file of Buku Ulumul Hadits with others who may benefit from it. You can send the pdf file via email, WhatsApp, or other social media platforms to your friends and family who are interested in ulumul hadits. You can also print the pdf file using a printer or a printing service, and distribute it to others who want to learn and study ulumul hadits.

By downloading and using the pdf file of Buku Ulumul Hadits, you can access and enjoy this valuable resource for ulumul hadits anytime and anywhere. You can also deepen your knowledge and skills in ulumul hadits by applying what you learn from this book.

Benefits of Reading and Studying Buku Ulumul Hadits

Buku Ulumul Hadits is not just a book that can be read or studied, but also a book that can be practiced and experienced. By reading and studying Buku Ulumul Hadits, one can derive many benefits for one's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some of the benefits of reading and studying Buku Ulumul Hadits:

  • It can help one to develop a strong foundation and understanding of ulumul hadits, which is essential for any Muslim who wants to learn and follow the authentic teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

  • It can help one to improve one's critical and analytical skills in evaluating and interpreting hadiths, as well as other sources of Islamic knowledge. It can also help one to avoid falling into errors and misconceptions that may arise from ignorance or bias.

  • It can help one to appreciate and respect the efforts and contributions of the hadith scholars who dedicated their lives and resources to preserve and spread the prophetic traditions. It can also inspire one to follow their example and emulate their virtues.

  • It can help one to increase one's love and devotion for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who is the best example and guide for Muslims. It can also help one to follow his sunnah in all aspects of life.

  • It can help one to enhance one's faith and practice of Islam, by applying the teachings and wisdom of the hadiths in one's daily life. It can also help one to attain the pleasure and mercy of Allah, who revealed the Quran and sunnah for the benefit of humanity.

By reading and studying Buku Ulumul Hadits regularly, one can transform oneself into a better person and a better Muslim. One can also become a source of guidance and goodness for others.

How to Use Buku Ulumul Hadits Effectively

Buku Ulumul Hadits is a great book that can enrich and enlighten one's life in many ways. However, to get the most out of this book, one needs to use it effectively and properly. Here are some tips on how to use Buku Ulumul Hadits effectively:

  • Read the book with an open mind and a sincere intention. Do not read the book with a preconceived notion or a hidden agenda. Seek the truth and guidance from Allah, and ask Him to grant you understanding and insight.

  • Read the book with a humble attitude and a willing heart. Do not read the book with arrogance or pride. Acknowledge your limitations and shortcomings, and be ready to learn and improve.

  • Read the book with a critical eye and a rational mind. Do not read the book with blind acceptance or rejection. Verify and evaluate the information and arguments presented in the book, and compare them with other reliable sources.

  • Read the book with a practical goal and a realistic plan. Do not read the book with a vague or unrealistic expectation. Set a clear and specific objective and strategy for reading and studying the book, and follow it consistently.

  • Read the book with a reflective spirit and a responsive action. Do not read the book with a passive or indifferent attitude. Think and ponder over the meanings and implications of the book, and apply them in your life.

By using Buku Ulumul Hadits effectively, you can maximize your learning and benefit from this book. You can also share your knowledge and experience with others, and contribute to the advancement of ulumul hadits.


Buku Ulumul Hadits is a valuable resource for hadith students and scholars, as well as anyone who wants to learn and understand the science of hadith. It is a comprehensive and systematic introduction to ulumul hadits, covering the various aspects and topics of this branch of Islamic knowledge. It is based on the classical and contemporary works of hadith scholars from various schools and regions.

In this article, we have provided an overview of Buku Ulumul Hadits, as well as some tips on how to download it in pdf format. We have also discussed some of the benefits and advantages of reading and studying this book. We hope that this article has helped you to appreciate and enjoy the meaning and significance of Buku Ulumul Hadits.

We also hope that you will read and study Buku Ulumul Hadits regularly, and experience its benefits for yourself and others. We wish you all the best in your hadith journey. d282676c82


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