How Do I List My House For Sale on the M.L.S.
The MLS, or Multiple Listing Service, is universally used in the real estate industry to connect buyers and sellers. Real estate agents throughout the United States have the ability to list properties on their local MLS so that buyers and their agents can browse the listings and find properties they are interested in viewing. Because 90 percent of buyers utilize the Internet when shopping for a home, it is critical for sellers to get their homes listed on an MLS if they want their properties to sell.
Contact a licensed real estate agent in your area to represent you. Real estate agents have access to the MLS and will have your property immediately listed as soon as it is ready for sale. You will need to pay a commission for the agent's services, however — usually from 3 to 6 percent of the home's selling price. In exchange, you get the marketing power of a real estate agent who understands your local market and the best possible exposure for your home.
Look into flat-fee MLS listing services if you plan on selling your home yourself. These companies subscribe to the MLS service and have the ability to list your property for a flat fee. While this fee is significantly cheaper than the commission cost associated with hiring a real estate agent, you will also be responsible for selling your home entirely on your own. That includes taking photos for the MLS, staging the house, hosting open house events and locating interested buyers.
Compare the prices of several MLS-listing companies for the location where your home is located to ensure you get the best possible price. In addition to comparing pricing, look at the company's additional services and contact the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been recent consumer complaints.
Lynn Burbeck is a professional writer with over five years of experience writing for the Web. She has published numerous articles for print and online media including "Grit" Magazine. Burbeck holds a B.A. in journalism and political science.